Sunday, 21 May 2017


1. SmithSoft, Inc. is a technology solution provider company in Cape town. The company has 40 desktop computers with the Windows 8 OS. Recently, the company purchased 30 brand new desktop computers. The new desktop computers do not have any OS installed on them. Therefore, Jack, who works as a System Administrator in the company, has been assigned the task of installing the Windows 8 OS on the new desktop computers. To perform the desired task, he has created an image of an existing desktop computer with the help of the DISM tool. In addition, he has created a custom answer file to provide all the settings required for an automated Windows setup. However, before deploying the image on the new desktop computers, Jack decides to install the image on a test computer to verify that the answer file is applying all the required settings during the installation process of the OS. Help Jack accomplish the desired task.

To install a reference computer by using a custom answer file, you need to perform the following
1. Mount the Windows 8 media and start the unattended installation.
2. Verify that the answer file settings have applied.

Task 1. Mounting the windows 8 Media and starting the Unattended Installation.

1. Switch to the Hyper-V manager window.
2. Right-click the EBDD_CL3_Blank virtual machine, and then select the connect option. the virtual machine
   Connection window is displayed.
3. select madia Diskette drive Insert Disk. the open dialog box is displayed.
4. Browse to the D:\EBDD\ISO folder.
5. select the Floppy.vdf file.
6. click the open button.
7. select media DVD drive insert disk. the open dialog box is displayed.
8. Browse to the location where the ISO file of the windows 8 OS is saved, and then select the windows 8 ISO
9. Click the open button.
10. click the start button. the installation of windows 8 start. Depending on the host system after 15-30 minutes, the
    lock screen is displayed.
11. type Pa$$w0rd in the password text box, and theen press the Enter key. the start screen is displayed after a few minutes.

Task 2. Verifying that the Answer File Setting have Applied.

1. type Hyper-V.
2. Ensure that the Hyper-V manager and Hyper-V virtual machine Connection tiles are displayed.
3 Replace the text in the Apps text control panel window is displayed.
4. select the Small incon option from the View by drop-down list.
5. click the system link. the system window is displayed.
6. verify that the Adatum support section is displayed in the right pane.
7. Verify that the phone number, support hours, and website options are available under the Adatum support section with the value
   that you entered in the answer file.
9. click the Back button.
10. Click the Administrative tools link. the Administrative tool window is displayed.
11. Double-click the computer management icon. the computer management window is displayed.
12. Expand the Local users and croups node in the left pane.
13. select the users node in the left pane.
14. verify that Andrew under the name column in the middle pane. the Middle pane.
15)double -click Andrew properties option is displayed under the member of section.
16)click the member of tb.
17)verify that the administrator option is displayed under the member of section.
18)click the ok button.
19)select the disk management node in the left pane.
20)verify that the system partition is 1.46 GB in size.
21)close all the open windows.
22)sign out and revert alll the running virtul machine.

2. ZSoft International, Inc. is a software solution provider company in Australia. The company has its head office in Sydney. The head office has 40 desktop computers running the Windows 7 OS. Recently, the company has decided to upgrade all the desktop computers to the Windows 8 OS. This task has been assigned to Robin, who works as a System Administrator in the company. Robin needs to upgrade all the desktop computers to a standard configuration within the next three days. For this, he plans to configure and use a standardized image to deploy Windows 8 on all the desktop computers. To fasten the deployment process, Robin wants to create an automated setup process that will provide the following basic settings to the target computers during the image deployment: Language Region License terms acceptance Location where to install the OS Organization name and phone number Help Robin accomplish the desired task.

To create an automated setup process, you need to create an answer file. To create an answer
file, you need to perform the following tasks:
1. Create a new answer file by using Windows SIM.
2. Add and configure components and component settings.
3. Validate and save the answer file.

Task 1:creating a new answer file by using windows SIM

1)Switch to the Hyper- v manger windows.
2)selecyt the new ->Floppy disk in the dialog bos is displayed.
3)create virtual floppy disk dialog box is displayed.4)browse to the  D:\EBBD\ISO folder.
5)type the floppy in the file name text box.
6)click the create button.
7)Switch to the EBBD_SRV! virtual mchine.
8)select media->Diskette drive->Insert disk in the virtual machine connect windows.the open  dialog box is displayed.
9)Browse to the D:\EBBD\ISO folder.
10) select  the floppy.vfd file then click the ok button.
11)click the file explore icon on the taskbar of the EBBD_SRV! virtul machine.
12)select the computer node in the left pane.
13)Double -click the flpooy disk driver (A)icon .The Microsoftwindows is displayed.Then click the Format disk button  is displyed.
14)type the answer file in the Volume label text box.
15)click the star button .The floppy disk drive (A) message box is displyed.
16)click the ok button .The Formatting floppy disk drive (A)message is displayed.
17)click the ok button , the  close button and computer windows is close.
18)presss the windows key then type windows system image manager,and then press the enterkey.The windows system image manager is displayed.
19)select file ->select windows imge .The select  a windows  image dilog box is dislayed.
20)Type \\\ISO in the file name text box, and then press the enter key.The windos security dialog box is displayed.
21)type the user name and password of th host computer in the user name and password text boxes,respectivel ,and  then clocjk the ok button.
22)select the win8_64.wim file.
23)click the open button.The windos system image  manager dialog box is displayed.
24)click the yes button .The generating catlog file dialog box is dispalyed for 10 minutes ,and  then hides automactically.
25)Right click  the create or open  an answer  file option in the answer file pane ,and then select the open answer file option.The open dilog box is diplayed.
26)select the autounattend_x64_BIOS_sample file ,and then click the open button .the mesage box is displayed.
27)click the yes button.And the select the file->save answer file as.the save as dilog box is dipld.
28)select the computer node in the left pane.
29)Double-click the follpy disk drive (A) icon in the right pane.
29)select and replace text in the file name te3xt box  with autounattend..and then save button.

Task2  :-Adding and configuring component setting

1)expand the 1 windows PE->amd64_micro-windows-setup_neutRAL->dISK{dISKid=0}->Create partition  node.
2)select the create partition [order="1"]node.
3)Replace  the existing value in the size  text box in the right pane with 1500
4)select the user data node in the andrew file pane.
5)type andrew Louise in the full name text box in the right pane.
6)type Acme in the organisation text box.
7)expan the user data node in the naswer file pane.and then right -click the  product key node in the  answer file pane, and then select the delete  option .The windows system image manager dialog box is displayed.
8)click the ok button.
9)Expand the component node in the windows image pane.scroll down and right -click the amd64_microsoft-windows-Unattendedjoin_6.2.9200.16384_neutral node,and then select the add seting to pass 4 specialize option.
10)select the amd64_microsoft-windows-shell-setup_netural node under the 4 specilaize node in the answer file pane.
11)type the reference in the computer name text box in the right pane.
12)Expand the amd64_microsoft-windoes-shell-setup_netural node under the 4 specilize node in the answer file.
13)Right-click the OEMInformation node .THe windos system image manager dialog box is displayed.
14)click  theyes button.
15)Expand the amd64_microsoft-windows-Unattendjoin_netural node under the 4 specilize node in the answer file pane.
16)select the Identification node in the answer file pane.
17)type imaging n the join workgroup text box in the right pane.
18)scroll up and right -click the amd64_microsoft-windows-international-core_6.2.9200.1638_netural node in the windows image pane ,and then select the add setting to pass 7 00besystem option.
19)scroll down and expand the amd64_microsoft-windows-shell-setup_6.2.9200.16384_netural node in the windows image pane.
20)Right -click the OEMInforation node in the windows image pane, and then select the add setting to pass 7 oobesystem.
21)right -click the OOBE node in the windows image pane, and then select the add setting to pass 7 00be sytem option.
22)expand the useraccount node in the  windows image pane.
23)right-click  the local account node in the windows image  pane,and then  select the add setting to pass 7 oobesystem option.
24)select  the amd64_microsoft-windows-international-core_netural nodeunder the 7 oobesystem option.
25)type the amd64_microsoft-windows-international-core_netural node in the under the 7 oobesystem node in the answer file.
26)type en-us in the InputLocale,UILanguage and userlical text boxes in the right pane.
27)type acme in the Registeredorganistion text box in the pane.
28)repalce the existing text with ndrew in the registeredowner text box in the right pane.
29)type Pacific stndrd time in the midle timezone text box in the right pane.
30)select the OMEInformation node under the 7 oobesystem->amd64_microsoft-windows-shell-setup_netural node in the answer file.
31)type Adatum in the Manfufacture text box in the right pane.
32)type 6 to 8 pm in  the supportHours text box in the right pane.
33)type 666-547-7388 in the support phone text box in the right pane.
34)type htt:// in the supportURL text box in the right pane.
35)select the OOBE node in the answer file pane.
36)select the true option  from the HIdeEULApage drop-down loist box ijn the right psne.
37)select the true option  from the NetworkLOcation drop=down list box in the right pane.
38)type 1 in the protectyourpc text  box in the right pane.
39)select the administratorpassword node in the answer file pane.
40)right-click the value label in the right pne ,and then select the write Empty string option.
41)select the LocalAccount node in the answer file pane.
42)Type my account in ythe Description text box in the right pane.
43)type andrew  in the  name text box,and then press the enter key.
44)Expand the Local Account [name="Andrew"]node in the answer file.
45)select the password node in the answer file.
46)type password in the value text box in the right pane.
47)Right -click the amd64_microsoft-windows-foundstionpackage_6.2.9200.16384_node in the answer file option.
48)Expand the Microsoft-hyper-v-all->tolls-all node in the right pane.
49)select the enabled option from the microsoft-hyper-v-managment-client and microsoft-hyper-v-managment-powershell drop down lists in the right pane.

Tasks 3:validating and saving the answer file

1)select tolls->Validate answer file  from the  menu bar.
2)read  warning in the message panes.
3)scroll down  and double -click the  windows feature is enabled but one or mre of its dependence have not been enabled in the nswer file warning message in the message pane.
4)select the enabled option  from  the microsoft -hyper-v-all microsoft-hyper -v -tolls -all drop -down lit boxes in the right pane.
5)select tools->Validate answer file  from the menu bar.
6)select  file ->save  answer file from the menu bar.
7)select file-> exit from the menu bar.
8)select media-->Diskette frive ->eject floppy.vfd from the menu bar of the EBDD_SRV1-virtual machine connection windows.
9)sign out and revert all the virtual machine. 

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