Sunday, 21 May 2017


1. Ample Software, Inc. is a leading software solution provider company in South Africa. The company has a single office, which has 150 desktop computers running the Windows 8 OS and 10 computers running the Windows 7 OS. As per a new project requirement, the management of the company has decided to upgrade the remaining 10 computers to the Windows 8 OS. However, to make the upgrade process smoother for the users of the 10 desktops, their existing data and settings need to be made available on their computers after Windows 8 is deployed. This task has been assigned to William, who is an Administrator in the company. Help William to achieve the requisite task.

To accomplish the requisite task, you need to perform the following tasks:
1. Capture data and settings.
2. Import data and settings.
3. Verify the transfer of data and settings.

Task 1. Capturing Data and setting.

1. swirch to the EBDD_CL2_Win7 virtual maachine.
2. Log off from the EBDD_CL2_Win7 virtual machine. the press CTRL+ALT+DELETE to log on screen is displayed.
3. press the CTRL+ALT+END keys.
4. click the swirch user button.
5. click the other user button.
6. type Andrew in the user name text box.
7. type Pa$$w0rd in the password text box.
8. pass the Enter key. the desktop is displayed.
9. right click anywhere on the desktop, and then select new text Document.
10. rename the file as Test.
11. Double click the test file. the test notepad window is displayed.
12. type this is a test document in the file.
13. select file save.
14. select file exit to close the file.
15. Log off the E|BDD_CL2_win7 virtual machine. the press CTRL+ALT+END keys.
16. click the next button. the Windows easy Transfer is complete on this computer page is displayed.
17. click the close button.

Task 2. Importing Data and setting.

1. swirch to the EBDD_CL1_Win8 virtual machine.
2. press the windows key.
3. type windows easy transfer.
4. press the enter key. the windows Easy Transfer wizard is displayed.
5. click the next button.
6. select an external hard disk or USB flash drive.
7. select this is my new PC .
8. select yes. the open an Easy transfer file dialog box is displayed.
9. type \\\software\Andrew_Profile in the file name combo box.
10. click the open button. the windows security dialog box is displayed.
11. type user name and password of the host somputer in the user name and the password text boxes, respectively.
12. click the ok button. the transfer file and start the transfer page is displayed.
13. type pass@123 in the text box.

Task 3. Verifying the Transfer of data and settings.

1. ensure that the EBDD_CL1_Win8 virtual machine is active.
2. press the windows key.
3. select Administrator sign out. the lock screen is displayed.
4. press the space bar.
5. click the oother user icon.
6. type andrew in the user name  text box.
7. type Pa$$w0rd in the password text box.
8. press the enter key. After a few moments, the start screen is displayed.
9. click the desktop tile.
10. verify that the test file is present on desktop.
11. sign out and revert all the virtual machines.
12. Delete the andrew_Profile.MIG file from the D:EBDD\software folder of the host computer.

2. Zookers, Inc. is a leading animation and multimedia company in Australia. Currently, the company uses 150 desktop computers, which run the Windows 7 OS, to perform its day-to-day tasks. As per a new project requirement, the company has brought new Windows 8-based desktop computers to replace the Windows 7-based computers. However, to ease the transition from Windows 7 to Windows 8 for its employees, the company wants to transfer all their existing files and settings from the Windows 7-based computers to the Windows 8-based computers. This task has been assigned to William, who is a systems administrator in the company. To accomplish the desired task, William has decided to use USMT. Help William to accomplish the desired task.

To migrate user data using USMT, you need to perform the following tasks:
1. Capture settings.
2. Import configuration and settings.
3. Verify the transfer of configuration and settings.

Task 1. Capture setting.
1. Switch to the EBDD_CL2_Win7 virtual machine.
2. Log off from the EBDD_CL2_Win7 virtual machine. the press CTRL+ALT+DELETE to log on screen is displayed.
3. press the CTRL+ALT+END keys.
4. click the swirch user button.
5. click the other user icon.
6. type Andrew in the user name text box.
7. type Pa$$w0rd in the password text box.
8. press the Enter key. the desktop screen is displayed.
9. right click anywhere on the desktop, and then select New text document.
10. rename the file as test.
11. Double click the Test file.

12. the test notepad window is displayed.
13. type this is a test document in the file.
14. select file save.
15. select file exit to close the file.
16. Log off from the EBDD_CL2_Win7 virtual machine. the press CTRL+ALT+DELETE to log on screen is displayed.
17. press the CTRT+ALT+END keys.
18. click the other user icon.

Task 2. Importing configuration and setting.
1. swirch to the EBDD_CL1_Win8 virtual machine.
2. press the windows keys.
3. type computer.
4. right click the computer tile. and then click the Map network drive icon in the app bar. the MAp Network Drive wizard is displayed.
5. type \\\Softwore in the folder combo box, and then press the enter key. the windows security dialog box is displayed.
6. type the user name and password of the host computer in the user name and the password text boxes.
7. click the ok button.
8. ppress the window keys.
9. type \\EBDD_SRV1, and then press the enter key. the EBDD_SRV1 windoow is displayed.
10. copy the user state migrationtool folder and paste it in the C: drive.
11. close all the open windows.
12. press the windows key.
13. type cmd, and then the enter key. the Administrator: command prompt wwindow is displayed.
14. type cd c:\user Migration tool\amd64, and then press the enter key.
15. type loadoce Z:\Andrew_profile/i:migapp.xml/i:migdocs.xml, and then press the enter key. After a few moments, the Success message is displayed.
16. close the Administrator: command prompt window.

Task 3. Verifying the Transfer of configuration and setting.

1. Ensure that the EBDD_CL1_Win8 virtual machine is active.
2. press the windows key.
3. select administrator sSign out. the the lock screen is displayed.
4. press the space bar.
5. click the other user icon.
6. type Andrew in the user name text box.
7. type the enter key. After a few moments, the start screen is displayed.
8. press the enter key. After a fet moments. the Start screen is displayed.
9. click the Desktop tile.
10. verify that the test file is present on desktop.
11. sign out and revert all the virtual machines.

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